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oh123 wrote ...


How to change the value of a "Level

oh123 oh123


I am a complete beginner in Programming, and I am currently working on the little crab game. The project is due tomorrow, and as extra credit, we are supposed to add new levels once 8 worms are eaten. In the second level, you must eat 12 worms to win. I am having trouble changing the value of level (a field i set to 1 at the start), so that the program will display the outcome for another conditional statement when wormCount=12 and not 8. I'm sorry if that was really confusing. But if any one is willing to help, please do so! It will be greatly appreciated
import greenfoot.*;  // (Actor, World, Greenfoot, GreenfootImage)

public class CrabWorld extends World
     * instantiates objects for Level 1
    public CrabWorld() 
        super(600, 560, 1);
        System.out.println ("Player 1, you are the crab.");
        System.out.println ("Your goal is to eat all the worms without being eaten by a lobster.");
        System.out.println ("Continuously hold down the space bar to move, while using the right key to turn right, and the left key to turn left.");
        System.out.println ("Player 2, you are the person.");
        System.out.println ("Your goal is to catch the lobster without being stopped by the police.");
        System.out.println ("Continuously hold down the s key to move, while using the d key to turn right, and the a key to turn left.");
        System.out.println ("If Player 1 eats all the worms or if Player 2 catches the lobster, you will move on to the next level.");
        System.out.println ("BUT if either of you gets eaten or caught, the game is over.");
        //System.out.println ("You can also press the p button to pause the game.");
        System.out.println ("Good luck!");
    public void act()
     * Create the crab world (the beach). Our world has a size 
     * of 600x560 cells, where every cell is just 1 pixel.
     * 8 worms, 1 lobster, 1 person, 1 crab, 1 police, 1 circle to indicate 1 level
    public void populateWorld()
        Level one =new Level();
        addObject(one, 580,15);
        Crab stanley=new Crab();
        /*Greenfootmethod w/3 perameters object you drop into world
         *name of object
         *choose x coordinate for location
         *choose y coordinate for location
         *  going down world=bigger width and height >> larger (x,y)
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (stanley, ((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)) );
        Lobster tim=new Lobster();
        addObject (tim, ((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)) );
        Person bob=new Person();
        addObject (bob, ((int)(Math.random()*560)),((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        Police cop=new Police();
        addObject (cop, ((int)(Math.random()*560)),((int)(Math.random()*560)));

     * checks for pauses
    private void checkForPause()
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("p"))
     * Constructor for objects of class Level2.
    public void Level2()
     * Create the crab world (the beach). Our world has a size 
     * of 600x560 cells, where every cell is just 1 pixel.
     * 12 worms, 2 lobsters, 1 person, 1 crab, 2 police, 2 circles to indicate 1 level
    public void populateWorld2()
        Level one =new Level();
        addObject(one, 580,15);
        Level two =new Level();
        addObject(two, 550,15);
        Crab stanley=new Crab();
        addObject (stanley, ((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)) );
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        Lobster tim=new Lobster();
        addObject (tim, ((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)) );
        Lobster joe=new Lobster();
        addObject (joe, ((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560)) );
        Person bob=new Person();
        addObject (bob, ((int)(Math.random()*560)),((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        Police cop=new Police();
        addObject (cop, ((int)(Math.random()*560)),((int)(Math.random()*560)));
        Police cop2=new Police();
        addObject (cop2, ((int)(Math.random()*560)),((int)(Math.random()*560)));

import greenfoot.*;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * Animal. This is the base class for all animals. In addition to the standard Actor
 * methods, it provides the ability to move and turn.
 * Olivia Higa
 * 09/22/2014
public class Animal extends Actor
    private GreenfootImage gameover;
    private GreenfootImage background2;
    private  int wormCount=0;
    private  int crabCount=0;
    private  int lobsterCount=0;
    private  int personCount=0;
    private  int level;
    private static final double WALKING_SPEED = 5.0;
     * Constructor for Animal 
    public Animal()
        gameover= new GreenfootImage ("gameover.jpg");
        background2= new GreenfootImage ("space1.jpg");
     * Act - empty method. Animals have no default action.
    public void act()
     * Turn 'angle' degrees towards the right (clockwise).
    public void turn(int angle)
        setRotation(getRotation() + angle);

     * Move forward in the current direction.
    public void move()
        double angle = Math.toRadians( getRotation() );
        int x = (int) Math.round(getX() + Math.cos(angle) * WALKING_SPEED);
        int y = (int) Math.round(getY() + Math.sin(angle) * WALKING_SPEED);
        setLocation(x, y);

     * Test if we are close to one of the edges of the world. Return true is we are.
    public boolean atWorldEdge()
        if(getX() < 20 || getX() > getWorld().getWidth() - 20)
            return true;
        if(getY() < 20 || getY() > getWorld().getHeight() - 20)
            return true;
            return false;
     * Return true if we can see an object of class 'clss' right where we are. 
     * False if there is no such object here.
    public boolean canSee(Class clss)
        Actor actor = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, clss);
        return actor != null;        

     * Try to eat an object of class 'clss'. This is only successful if there
     * is such an object where we currently are. Otherwise this method does
     * nothing.
    public void eat(Class clss)
        Actor actor = getOneObjectAtOffset(0, 0, clss);
        if(actor != null) {
    * If the crab reaches the edge of the world, turn 17 degrees.
    public void turnAtEdge ()
        if (atWorldEdge())
    * Method for the lobster and police car that randomly chases the crab or person
   public void randomTurn()
    if ((Math.random()*100)<10) 
     * Check whether up,down, or space key has been pressed by Player1.
     * If it has, react accordingly
    public void checkKeypressPlayer1()
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left"))
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right"))
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space"))
        /* if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down"))
     * Check whether a,d,or s key has been pressed by Player2.
     * If it has, react accordingly.
     * a= left, d=right, s= move
    public void checkKeypressPlayer2()
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a"))
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d"))
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("s"))
     * Check whether Player1 (crab) has stumbled upon a worm.
     * If they have, eat it.  If not, do nothing.
     * wormCount increases by one, each time the crab eats it
    public void lookForWorm()
        if (canSee(Worm.class))
            Greenfoot.playSound ("slurp.wav");
     * adds a worm at a random times based on the wormCount
    public void randomWorm()
      if (((int)(Math.random()*8))==wormCount)
        getWorld().addObject (new Worm(),((int)(Math.random()*560)), ((int)(Math.random()*560))); 
     * Check whether the lobster has stumbled upon a crab.
     * If it has, eat it.  If not, do nothing.
     * the crabCount increases by one, each time a lobster eats it.
    public void lookForCrab()
        if (canSee(Crab.class))
            Greenfoot.playSound ("au.wav");

     * Check whether Player2 (Person) has stumbled upon a lobster.
     * If they have, eat it.  If not, do nothing.
     * the lobsterCount increases by one, each time person2 eats it.
    public void lookForLobster()
        if (canSee(Lobster.class))
            Greenfoot.playSound ("yummy.wav");
     * Check whether police has stumbled upon a person.
     * If it has, "eat" it.  If not, do nothing.
     * the personCount increases by one, each time a police "eats" it.
    public void lookForPerson()
        if (canSee(Person.class))
            Greenfoot.playSound ("SIREN2.WAV");
     * Moves on to level 2 if all 8 worms are eaten by Player1, or if 1 lobster is caught by Player2. 
     *      plays fanfare and changes background to level 2 setting
     * Finishes game after level 2, if all 12 worms are eaten or if both the lobsters are caught.
     *      plays fanfare and ends game
    public void checkForLevelUp()
        if (wormCount==12)
                Greenfoot.playSound ("chipquest.wav");
                System.out.println ("Congratulations Player 1!  You won!");
            else if (wormCount==88&level==1)
                Greenfoot.playSound ("chipquest.wav");
                System.out.println ("Congratulations Player 1!  You won!");
                System.out.println ("Initiating Level "+level);
                levelUp ();
            else if (lobsterCount==28&level==1 )
                Greenfoot.playSound ("chipquest.wav");
                System.out.println ("Congratulations Player 1!  You won!");
            else if(lobsterCount==1)
                Greenfoot.playSound ("chipquest.wav");
                System.out.println ("Congratulation Player 2!  You won!");
                System.out.println ("Initiating Level "+level);
     * End game if lobster eats crab, or if police car catched the person.
     *      Game over sign shows up
    public void endGame()
         if (crabCount==1)
                System.out.println ("Sorry Player 1!  Game over, you lose!");
             else if (personCount==1)
                System.out.println ("Sorry Player 2!  Game over, you lose!");
     * Initiate Level 2, if wormCount=8 or if lobstercount=1
    public void levelUp()
        if (level==2)


Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


I guess you have 'Player1' and 'Player2' classes which extend the Animal class, right? Then you could pass the level as the parameter when creating them and set a target value based on the level.
public Player1(int lvl)
    switch( lvl )
        case 1: target = 8; break;
        case 2: target = 12; break;
And then, you can check for
if (wormCount == target)
As an alternative, so you don't need a new variable, you can set the 'wormCount' instead of the target to 8 (12) and decrease it when you eat a worm. Then you can check if it reached 0.
danpost danpost


The 'level' field in the Animal class should be made 'public' and 'static' and initialized in the CrabWorld constructor:
public CrabWorld()
    Animal.level = 1; // initialization of static field in Animal class
    // etc.
Without this field being static, when you create the Animal objects from within your 'populateWorld2' method, the level fields given them are set to one. So now, instead of each object getting an individual level field when created, the class will have a single level field when the project is compiled.
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