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CreepingFuRbalL wrote ...


How to open a new level

CreepingFuRbalL CreepingFuRbalL


How would you open a new world subclass to play once the objective has been beaten eg if all of a certain actor have been destroyed
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


To check whether there are no more objects from a class you can use this code:
if (getWorld().getObjects(Enemy.class).isEmpty()) {
    //there are no more Enemy objects in the world;
If you add this code in a World subclass leave out the getWorld(). To set the world to a new world you can use the method Greenfoot.setWorld(World) e.g. like this:
if (getWorld().getObjects(Enemy.class).isEmpty()) {
    //there are no more enemys so you can start the next level;
    Greenfoot.setWorld(new Level2());//you can add every world subclass here;
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