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13111876 wrote ...


Help with objects overlaying each other

13111876 13111876


Hello, How can I prevent that my objects keep overlaying each other. This is my code till now: public void followBoot() { if(getOneIntersectingObject(Boot.class)!= null) { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && getX() > 303) { move(-5); } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && getX() < 772) { move(5); } } } So what they do right now is they move when I press left or right, then they go till a certain X Y coordinate but when they get there the overlay each other. Can someone help me get this right. I want the objects to stay correct and don't overlay each other.
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


I think the problem could be fixed by checking whether they overlay each other after moving. Try to add another if clause after the move method calls like this:
public void followBoot() {
if(getOneIntersectingObject(Boot.class)!= null) {
    if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && getX() > 303) {
        if (getOneIntersectingObject(Boot.class)!= null) {
            move(5);//move back;
    if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && getX() < 772) { 
        if (getOneIntersectingObject(Boot.class)!= null) {
            move(-5);//move back;
danpost danpost


If you want an object to follow another, do not try to move the object separately with key-down coding. Either have the Boot object control the location of this object, or have this object use the location of the Boot object to determine where it should be.
Actor boot = getOneIntersectingObect(Boot.class);
if (boot != null)
    setLocation(boot.getX()+xOffset, boot.getY()+yOffset);
'xOffset' and 'yOffset' are the differences in the coordinates between the Boot and the follower.
13111876 13111876


@danpost Where do I set this code?? @Gevater_Tod4711 This didn't work, there was no syntax error but the code changed and now the 'Boot' leaves with out the other objects.
danpost danpost


Set the code either in the 'followBoot' method (called by the 'act' method) or directly in the 'act' method.
13111876 13111876


@danpost Thank you first of all, I think I wasn't clear enough. The problem is that the multiple objects that I have still overlay each other. I got this boat = 'Boot' and I put objects in this boat, I move it with the left and right keys till a certain X Y coordinate. The objects follow good, the problem is when the boat is at the certain X Y coordinate the objects overlay each other. The images overlay each other.
danpost danpost


Maybe these objects (that you put in the boat) should keep track of their offsets with respect to the location of the boat.
// with instance fields
Boot boat = null;
int xOffset, yOffset;
// placing into boat
public void placedInBoat(Boot b)
    boat b;
    xOffset = getX()-boat.getX();
    yOffset = getY()-boat.getY();
// moving
public void move()
    if (boat != null) setLocation(boat.getX()+xOffset, boat.getY()+yOffset);
// removing from boat
public void removedFromBoat()
    boat = null;
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


I'm not quite shure if this will work but you could try to use this code:
public void followBoot() {  
if(!getObjectsInRange(getImage().getWidth() + 25, Boot.class).isEmpty()) {  
    if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") && getX() > 303) {  
        while (getOneIntersectingObject(Boot.class) != null) {  
            move(1);//move back one step;  
    if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") && getX() < 772) {   
        if (getOneIntersectingObject(Boot.class) != null) {  
            move(-1);//move back one step;  
danpost danpost


Line 7 of my last code post should read:
boat = b;
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