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David.Budnick wrote ...


Switching Images

David.Budnick David.Budnick


I am trying to make a game for a class in school but I can't seem to get one part. I have a simple score board that goes up if one animal is eaten. What I am trying to do is switch the image of the animal that is eaten when the score equals a certain number. Can anyone help???
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


Therefore you need to get a reference to all the animals and change their images to the images you want. So in your counter you need to add some code to the act method:
//in your counter class;

//you need to import some classes to use this code:
import java.util.List;

//also you need another global variable;
private boolean imagesSet = false;

//in this example counter is the current number of the counter that is displayed and imageSetNumber is the number that has to be reached to change the images of the animals;
//imagesSet is a boolean to check whether the images already been set so you don't set them every act;
public void act() {
    if (!imagesSet && counter >= imageSetNumber) {
        imagesSet = true;
        //instead of Animal you have to use the classname of the objects you want to set the image of;
        List<Animal> animalsInWorld = getWorld().getObjects(Animal.class);
        for (Animal animal : animalsInWorld) {
            animal.setImage(new GreenfootImage("filename.png"));//here you have to add the right filename of your new image;
danpost danpost


@David.Budnick, you will need to show your spawning code and related code around it for the animal that is eaten (probably once in the world class constructor (or a method it calls) and another time after an animal is eaten). Also show the constructor for the class of that animal.
David.Budnick David.Budnick


import greenfoot.*;  // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)

 * Write a description of class Snake here.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class Snake extends Mover

  private int score = 0;
  private GreenfootImage image2 = new GreenfootImage("Snake2.png");
  private GreenfootImage image3 = new GreenfootImage("Snake3.png");
  public void act()
 score = score + 1;
if( score == 5 ) {
   setImage( image2 ); 

This is what I have so far.. the problem is that it automatically switches the image at the start of the game
danpost danpost


NMV, there is a bigger problem than what I had originally saw. Will post again with ideas.
danpost danpost


(1) are you removing the snake when eaten and introducing a 'new' snake into the world (if not, how exactly are you dealing with the eating (removing) and introduction (adding) of new animal objects ) (2) what is eating the snake (what is the name of its class and what class does that class extend)
David.Budnick David.Budnick


I am removing the snakes when they are eaten there are 3 levels I want the size of the snake to change when the score hit 5 and 15. A hedgehog is eating the snake "Hedgehog"
danpost danpost


Then, the size of the snake needs to be determined before the snake is placed into the world. This means that it will need a value passed to it, to let it know what size to be. You need a Snake class constructor like what follows and you need to move the score field to the Hedgehog class with a 'get' method that returns the score.
public Snake(int score)
    if (score < 5) ; // use default image (do nothing)
    else if (score < 15) setImage(image2);
    else setImage(image3);
In your world constructor, or a method it calls, create the snake object with 'new Snake(0)'. In the act method of the Hedgehog class, you should have something like this:
if (canSee(Snake.class))
    getWorld().addObject(new Snake(score), someX, someY);
The 'canSee' and 'eat' methods are methods you will find in the Animal class which can be imported via the menubar of the Greenfoot application using "Edit>Import class...".
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