This is pretty much my first Greenfoot project that I didn't use the lesson book. I had no problems programming the other three classes, and found them to work perfectly. I them moved on to the background and even though it compiled, it didn't show on the screen. The image for the background is one of the images that Greenfoot gives you.
Here's the source code:
Please help, because I can't do anything otherwise :P Thank you!!!
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class BackgroundBrick here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class BackgroundBrick extends World { //Arrays that assist the creation of //little fishies. /** * Constructor for objects of class BackgroundBrick. * */ public BackgroundBrick() { super(600, 600, 1); populateWorld(); } /** * Add the necesary components to the world. */ public void populateWorld() { int i = 0; addObject(new Seal(), (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(600)), (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(600))); while (i < 3) { addObject(new PolarBear(), (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(600)), (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(600))); i = i + 1; } i = 0; int x = (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(20) + 1); while (i < x) { } } }