My moving enemies can't kill the player i dont no why because it works with non-moving enemies.
It's like my enemies are just empty images moving around. But my non-moving enemies are like obstacles and the game stops when my player touches them.
public void act() { move(-7); if (atWorldEdge()){ turn (17) ; } int Zufallz = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (100); if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (100)<5) if (Zufallz <5) { turn (45); turn (45) ; } } public void LookForCrab() { if (canSee(Crab.class)) { eat(Crab.class); Greenfoot.stop () ; } }
public void LookForLobster () { if (canSee (Lobster.class)) { Greenfoot.playSound("smb_mariodie.wav"); Greenfoot.stop(); } } }
public void lookForEvilShroom () { if (canSee(EvilShroom.class)){ Actor EvilShroom=sees (Actor.class); GreenfootSound ton=new GreenfootSound ("smb_mariodie.wav") ; () ; EvilShroom.setLocation( Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450 ), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450)); Greenfoot.stop () ; } }
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, and Greenfoot) /** * This class defines a crab. Crabs live on the beach. */ public class Crab extends Animal { private GreenfootImage image1; private GreenfootImage image2; int zaehler; public Crab() { zaehler=0; } public void act() { if (atWorldEdge()){ turn (17) ; } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("w") ){ move (10) ; } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("s") ) { move (-10) ; } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("d") ) { turn (10) ; } if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown ("a") ) { turn (-10) ; } lookForWorm () ; lookForPowerUP () ; lookForEvilShroom () ; } public void lookForWorm () { if (canSee(Worm.class)){ Actor wurm=sees (Actor.class); GreenfootSound ton=new GreenfootSound ("cat_meow_x.wav") ; () ; wurm.setLocation( Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450 ), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450)); zaehler =zaehler+1 ; CrabWorld welt=(CrabWorld) getWorld(); Label l =welt.getLabel(); l.setText("Punkte: "+zaehler); } } public void lookForPowerUP () { if (canSee(PowerUP.class)){ Actor PowerUP=sees (Actor.class); GreenfootSound ton=new GreenfootSound ("smb_powerup.wav") ; () ; PowerUP.setLocation( Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450 ), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450)); zaehler =zaehler+10 ; CrabWorld welt=(CrabWorld) getWorld(); Label l =welt.getLabel(); l.setText("Punkte: "+zaehler); } } public void lookForEvilShroom () { if (canSee(EvilShroom.class)){ Actor EvilShroom=sees (Actor.class); GreenfootSound ton=new GreenfootSound ("smb_mariodie.wav") ; () ; EvilShroom.setLocation( Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450 ), Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (450)); Greenfoot.stop () ; } } public void LookForLobster () { if (canSee (Lobster.class)) { Greenfoot.playSound("smb_mariodie.wav"); Greenfoot.stop(); } } }
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class Lobster here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class Lobster extends Animal { /** * Act - do whatever the Lobster wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { move(-7); if (atWorldEdge()){ turn (17) ; } int Zufallz = Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (100); if (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber (100)<5) if (Zufallz <5) { turn (45); turn (45) ; } } public void LookForCrab() { if (canSee(Crab.class)) { eat(Crab.class); Greenfoot.stop () ; } } }