private int shootTimer = 0; boolean invincible = false; private int invincibleTimer = 0; private int cooldownTimer = 0; /** * Act - do whatever the Player_1 wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { //The Planes actions move(); shootTimer++; shoot(); hit(); invincible(); invincibleTimer++; cooldownTimer ++; } public void invincible() { if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("i") && cooldownTimer >= 120) { invincible = true; this.setImage(new GreenfootImage("Player 1 Inv.png")); invincibleTimer = 0; } if (invincibleTimer >=90) { invincible = false; this. setImage(new GreenfootImage("Player 1.png")); //cooldownTimer = 0; <-- as soon as bring it in it disables the powerup } }