how to shoot fireball from direction my actor facing
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) public class Wraith extends Actor { int animateImage = 0; //for walking animation image (frame) int animateSpeed = 3; //lower the animate speed for faster walking animation int count; SimpleTimer spaceTimer = new SimpleTimer(); //timer for when the next space can be tekan lagi public Wraith() { setImage("Wraith_01_Moving Forward_000.png"); getImage().scale(260,210); } public void act() { count++; checkKeys(); //for movement restrict of wraith in the world if(getX()>1200) setLocation(1200,getY()); if(getY()>550) setLocation(getX(), 550); if(getY()<250) setLocation(getX(),250); } private void checkKeys() { if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("w")) //for moveup { setLocation(getX(), getY()-5); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("s")) //for movedown { setLocation(getX(), getY()+5); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d")) //for move right { setLocation (getX() +5, getY()); walkinganimateRight(); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a")) //for move left { setLocation (getX() -5, getY()); walkinganimateLeft(); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space") && spaceTimer.millisElapsed() > 1000) { shoot(); spaceTimer.mark(); //reset balik timer kepada 0 } /*if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown(null)) //kalau tak tekan apa { }*/ } public void walkinganimateRight() { if(count % animateSpeed == 0) { if(animateImage >11) { animateImage = 0; } setImage("Wraith_01_Moving Forward_00" + animateImage + ".png"); animateImage++; getImage().scale(260,210); } } public void walkinganimateLeft() { if(count % animateSpeed ==0) { if(animateImage >11) { animateImage = 0; } setImage("Wraith_01_Moving Forward_00" + animateImage + ".png"); animateImage++; getImage().scale(260,210); getImage().mirrorHorizontally(); } } public void shoot() { Fireball fireball = new Fireball(); getWorld().addObject(fireball, getX()+100, getY()); //masukkan fireball ke dalam world dan berjarak 100 pixels dari wraith fireball.setRotation(getRotation()); } }
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) public class Fireball extends Actor { public Fireball() { setImage("blueFireball.png"); getImage().scale(80,80); } public void act() { move(10); } }