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Windeycastle wrote ...


Pulling items out of lists troubles

Windeycastle Windeycastle


I am having problems with comparing elements of an Integer ArrayList (single dimension) with certain values. Is there anyone who sees what I'm doing wrong? Here I declare the new lists:
 private List listx1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    private List listy1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    private List listx2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    private List listy2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Here I add numbers to them:
        else if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("enter") && canPlace() && !menuTime)
            int e = getX();
            int f = getY();
                getWorld().addObject(new cross(),e,f);
                if(doesWin(listx1) || doesWin(listy1) || diagonalWin(listx1, listy1))
                    System.out.print("Hooray! Crosses wins!\n");
                player = 2;
                getWorld().addObject(new naught(),e,f);
                if(doesWin(listx2) || doesWin(listy2) || diagonalWin(listx2, listy2))
                    System.out.print("Hooray! Naughts wins!\n");
                player = 1;
Here I check (very inefficiently probably) if there are 3 of the same items in the list:
    public boolean doesWin(List x)
        if(Collections.frequency(x, 100) == 3 || Collections.frequency(x, 300) ==3 || Collections.frequency(x, 500) == 3)
            return true;
            return false;
And here I check for a diagonal win, so that would mean I have a same x and y, with 3 different values. In the contains method it goes wrong at the line "int placeholder = x.get(i);" I get the error "incompatible types: jave.lang.Object cannot be converted to in".
    public boolean diagonalWin(List x, List y)
        if(contains(x, 100) && contains(y,100))
            return true;
        return false;
    public boolean contains(List x, int z)
        for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
          int placeholder = x.get(i);
        return false;
Every bit of help is welcome, as I searched the web for over an hour for a solution already but I can't find it.
danpost danpost


Very inefficient. Use a 3 by 3 int array to represent the grid, 0 representing an empty square, and 1 and -1 representing the crosses and naughts. The 1s and -1s can come from a turn field representing whose turn it is. It would be quite easy to check for a win with the array set up this way.
Windeycastle Windeycastle


Yes, but how do you take those items out of the list to compare them?
danpost danpost


Windeycastle wrote...
Yes, but how do you take those items out of the list to compare them?
// global declarations
int[][] grid = new grid[3][3]; // grid array
int turn = 1; // player at turn (1 for crosses; -1 for naughts)

// in act of world
if (numberOfObjects() < 9 && Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this))
    MouseInfo mi = Greenfoot.getMouseInfo();
    int x = mi.getX(), y = mi.getY();
    if (grid[y][x] != 0) return; // do nothing if grid square occupied
    grid[y][x] = turn; // make entry
    addObject((turn == 1 ? new Cross() : new Naught()), 100+200*x, 100+200*y);
    if (doesWin(x, y)) gameOver(turn);
    else if (numberOfObjects() == 9) gameOver(0);
    turn = -turn;

// to tell is current turn wins
private boolean doesWin(int x, int y)
    int n = grid[y][x];
    if (n == grid[y][(x+1)%3] && n == grid[y][(x+2)%3]) return true; // row check
    if (n == grid[(y+1)%3][x] && n == grid[(y+2)%3][x]) return true; // column check
    if (x == y && n == grid[(y+1)%3][(x+1)%3] && n == grid[(y+2)%3][(x+2)%3]) return true; // back-slash diagonal check
    if (x+y == 2 && n == grid[(y+1)%3][(x+2)%3] && n == grid[(y+2)%3][(x+1)%3]) return true // forward-slash diagonal check
    return false; // no win found

// game over routine
private void gameOver(int winner)
    String txt = null;
    switch (winner)
        case 1 : txt = "Crosses\nwins"; break;
        case -1 : txt = "Naughts\nwins"; break;
        case 0 : txt = "Draw\ngame"; break;
    GreenfootImage img = new GreenfootImage(txt, 60, new Color(0, 0, 0, 128), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
    getBackground().drawImage(img, 300-img.getWidth()/2, 300-img.getHeight()/2);
Windeycastle Windeycastle


This is the answer I've been looking for!! Thank you sl much, I will use all of your ideas here but ttry to implement them a bit different so it is still something I made and not your copy, but I'll set you definitly in the documentation =)
danpost danpost


I found an inconsistency in my code. If world size is (600, 600, 1), line 9 should have x and y divided by 200. If world size is (3, 3, 200), line 12 should use just x and y.
Windeycastle Windeycastle


I did a complete rarrangement and changed the rediculous world size of 600,600,1 to 1,1,200. Makes a lot of code easier and more understandable.
danpost danpost


Windeycastle wrote...
I did a complete rarrangement and changed the rediculous world size of 600,600,1 to 1,1,200. Makes a lot of code easier and more understandable.
You do mean (3, 3, 200), don't you?
Windeycastle Windeycastle


Yes (insert facepalm)
Windeycastle Windeycastle


Hmm, working on the program now, but it gives an error when declaring the array? It says "unknown type: grid" at the right side of the "=".
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


I think it should be
int[][] grid = new int[3][3];
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