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winzorg wrote ...


Sending value from actor to world

winzorg winzorg


I'm trying to pass a value from an actor to the world so that when I create the new actor, I can pass that value to the new actor. However, I get an error stating "non-static method getWormsEaten cannot be referenced from a static context". Here is the code: Crab
public class Crab extends Animal
    private GreenfootImage image1;
    private GreenfootImage image2;
    private int wormsEaten = 0;
     * Creates a new crab, assigns both images, and sets wormsEaten to 0.
    public Crab()
        image1 = new GreenfootImage("crab.png");
        image2 = new GreenfootImage("crab2.png");
    public void act()
    * Check whether we have stumbled upon a worm. 
    * If we have, eat it, and increase wormsEaten by 1 and add 10 points to the score. 
    * If not, do nothing.
    * If we have eaten 10 worms in CrabWorld, load CrabWorld2. 
    * If we have eaten 10 worms in CrabWorld2, the game ends.
    public void lookForWorm()
        if ( canSee(Worm.class) )
            if (getWorld() instanceof CrabWorld)
            else if(getWorld() instanceof CrabWorld2)
            if (wormsEaten == 10)
                int curscore;
                int curlives;
                if (getWorld() instanceof CrabWorld)
                    curscore = ((CrabWorld)getWorld()).getScoreCounter().getValue();
                    curlives = ((CrabWorld)getWorld()).getLifeCounter().getValue();
                    Greenfoot.setWorld(new CrabWorld2(curscore, curlives));
                else if(getWorld() instanceof CrabWorld2)
     * Allows user to move the crab using up, down, left, and right arrow keys. 
     * If the crab collides with a rock, the crab cannot proceed.
    public void checkKeypress()
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up"))
            setLocation(getX(), getY()-4);
            if (getOneIntersectingObject(Rock.class) != null)
                setLocation(getX(), getY()+4);
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down"))
            setLocation(getX(), getY()+4);
            if (getOneIntersectingObject(Rock.class) != null)
                setLocation(getX(), getY()-4);
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left"))
            if (getOneIntersectingObject(Rock.class) != null)
        if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right"))
            if (getOneIntersectingObject(Rock.class) != null)
     * Switches images as the crab moves.
    public void switchImage()
        if ( getImage() == image1 )
    public int getWormsEaten()
        return wormsEaten;
    public void setWormsEaten(int worms)
        wormsEaten = worms;
public class CrabWorld extends World
    private ScoreCounter scoreCounter;
    private LifeCounter lifeCounter;
    public int numlives = 3;
     * Creates World. The world has a size of 650x650 cells. 
     * Adds a score counter and life counter.
    public CrabWorld() 
        super(650, 650, 1);
        scoreCounter = new ScoreCounter("Score: ");
        addObject(scoreCounter, 600, 15);
        lifeCounter = new LifeCounter("Lives: ");
        addObject(lifeCounter, 600, 27);
     * Populates world with the player crab, 10 worms, and 3 lobsters.
    public void populateWorld()
        addObject( new Crab(), 100, 100 );
        addObject( new Worm(), 150, 350);
        addObject( new Worm(), 200, 50);
        addObject( new Worm(), 250, 500);
        addObject( new Worm(), 300, 150);
        addObject( new Worm(), 350, 400);
        addObject( new Worm(), 400, 600);
        addObject( new Worm(), 450, 100);
        addObject( new Worm(), 500, 450);
        addObject( new Worm(), 550, 200);
        addObject( new Worm(), 100, 550);
        addObject( new Lobster(), 100, 600);
        addObject( new Lobster(), 550, 100);
        addObject( new Lobster(), 550, 600);
     * Returns score counter when switching world or at game over.
    public ScoreCounter getScoreCounter()
        return scoreCounter; 
     * Returns life counter when switching worlds.
    public LifeCounter getLifeCounter()
        return lifeCounter; 
     * Checks number of lives remaining when crab is eaten. If lives run out, game over.
    public int checkLives()
        if(numlives > 0)
            int worms;
            worms = Crab.getWormsEaten(); //here is the problem line
            addObject(new Crab(setWormsEaten(worms)), 100, 100 );
            if (numlives == 0)
        return numlives;
     * Displays game over screen.
    public void gameOver()
        addObject(new ScoreBoard(getScoreCounter().getValue()), getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2);
Please help! If there is an easier way to accomplish this task, please let me know! Thanks!
Super_Hippo Super_Hippo


If there would be more than one crab in the world, each object would have its own 'wormsEaten' variable. If it would be static, all would share one variable. Since it is not static (and it shouldn't be), you can't get a variable of the class. Or in this case, you can't use a method on the class to get a value of an object. Actually I am not sure why the 'checkLives' method should be in the world class. And what are you trying to do? Add a new crab when the other one was eaten? Couldn't you just set its location back to (100,100)?
Crab c = (Crab) getObjects(Crab.class).get(0);
But usually this is not done in the world class. It should be placed in either the crab class or the one which is eating the crab.
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