Hello, I hope you all are having a good day. I am trying to work on a guitar hero project for school and I was using the setWorld() method to change worlds when a button is pressed, but after I add a third setWorld() it breaks so I am now trying to make it so when a button is pressed the background is changed and then the world checks if the background is equal to that image then removes the buttons on the previous screen and adds a new button for the new screen.
(I am using Greenfoot 3.5.1)
This is my code:
I have tried many things but the if statement does not seem to even check if the background has changed.
public Start() { super(613, 502, 1); } public void act() { StartButton star = new StartButton(new MyWorld()); ControlButton y = new ControlButton(); GreenfootImage img = new GreenfootImage("StartScreen.png"); GreenfootImage con = new GreenfootImage("Controls.png"); if(getBackground() == img) { addObject(star,151, getHeight()/2); addObject(y, 151, 350); if(getBackground() == con) { BackToMenu k = new BackToMenu(); addObject(k, 470, 445); removeObject(star); removeObject(k); if(Greenfoot.mouseClicked(k)) { setBackground("StartScreen.png"); if(getBackground() == img) { removeObject(k); } } } } }