Still doesn't work when I do that method
Can you update your scenario so I can take a look at it? It would help if GreenHouse would post a scenario that shows off the beta, instead of his alpha, so we know what to do.
Is there any collision detection beetween Actor3D and camera?
when I use obj files for the geometry, it returns a nullpointerexception. Is that normal?
Well let me think... Nope it's not normal :)
the setGeometry can create geometries from files (.obj . .3ds, .md2, ..) - they need to be in the /objects directory - or simple geometries like Sphere Cone Cube Plane etc...
can you mail me the nullpointerexception pls? :D
send, btw. it is placed in the objects folder, I double checked this
hm... crashing at com.threed.jpct.Loader.loadOBJ(, so there is nothing i can do for you. I am not allowed to manipulate the source of jpct. Try to check if everything is ok with your model...
obj files doesnt seem to work in general, i tried it with ten different models but i get the same nullpointer everytime
i have another problem, i use the rotateX method, but when i give a float as an argument, it says incompatible types, but I looked in the source and there the argument needs to be a float
Incompatible types tells you the type you passed, and the type that was needed. Are you sure you passed float? Like 1.5!AAARGH!! f (don't forget the f! :D )
Yeah... without the !AAARGH!!... May someone please code the 'edit' or 'delete' buttons for posts?
There is an edit link for the most recent post (only). So if you mess up you can change it. However, having posted another message, you prevented yourself from fixing the previous one! (and of course by me posting this message you are then unable to edit your most recent one).
Greenhouse, it doesnt tell me what i passed and what i need. And even if i cast it to a float it still gives me this error