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Greenfoot 3D

GreenHouse GreenHouse


Note from admin: This is not an official Greenfoot release from the Greenfoot team. Please do not contact the Greenfoot team with support questions regarding Greenfoot 3D.

Greenfoot 3D

The first release of Greenfoot3D is now published. Please test and comment, report bugs and tell me your improvement ideas! You can download the jar here. This alternative jar can replace your greenfoot.jar (Windows: C:\Program Files\Greenfoot\lib\extensions\greenfoot.jar) Don’t worry; Greenfoot 3D supports of course the normal 2D Actors, too. So you can run your existing projects like before. Feel free to have a look at source-code and license information . I hope for your feedback!
Did you take a look at the problems I posted on the first scenario you made? The ones about any coded GreenfootImages turning black or giving the program errors?
GreenHouse GreenHouse


I tried to do what you did, but all my scenarios i ever made worked... I think i fixed the error while you found it out :) If it still happens with the latest version, please send me the error-log; via email ( ) or upload it somewhere and send me the link please.
kiarocks kiarocks


Darn it, you beat me to it. I was working on a library sort of thing that ran on LWJGL and would be 3D and have all of Greenfoot's capabilities and more.
It still has the same glitches as I mentioned before. Try scenarios like my Mouse Force 2.0 for the setting a coded GreenfootImage on an actor, and my Presidential Flash Cards for setting a coded GreenfootImage on the world background to see what I'm talking about
GreenHouse GreenHouse


Ah, now i see :) sorry, i didn't notice that before. I updated the greenfoot.jar to fixed this problem. When the world initializes itself, the background gets drawn onto the 3d buffer; but if no image was set, it results null-pointer exception...
davmac davmac


The link to the "source code and license information" just links to the same jar file as the download link.
GreenHouse GreenHouse


Oh damm, it's this one here.
Game/maniac Game/maniac


Can you add a link to the documentation for this please.
Hey, GreenHouse. I found another bug. I like that you fixed the previous problems with coded-imaged-actors, but I found another bug with something similar. I tried out my Raycast Scenario where I have no actors, just a "Camera" that renders the image and sends it to the world (Don't worry, I don't have any of the code connected to your camera). The problem is, the world will set it's first image, but it won't allow the GreenfootImage to change. I've added a statement to the world's saying setBackground(cam.getImage()), and it works, but it's gotten super laggy. I don't know if changes you've made to GreenfootImage has caused this, or if other reasons, but I think some of the lag may be reduced if you allowed the world to change to it's image by itself, like it can in the original greenfoot.
Ah, I think I found where the problem is in the source code. At the end of setBackground(), you draw it onto a newly created "bump" Image, and then change the bump to a texture. If you were to have a method, or edit the background image in a way, that it would change the texture along with the background image, you may get something. That's probably where the lag is coming from as well, changing a GreenfootImage into a Texture. Hope you figure it out.
GreenHouse GreenHouse


@Game/maniac: i will add a link, after i created the doc :) @FlyingRabidUnicornPig: the texture that is created from the greenfootImage is first (like all other textures) stored into the render/buffer texture dump. Only these buffered images can be rendered, jpct is quiet blocked this way :/ This buffer can make jpct very fast (up to 200fps and more) but changing the textures every frame makes it slow/buggy... All in all the 3d buffer is not a good solution for fast texture changes :( Maybe i can fix this in an other way..
JetLennit JetLennit


Could you possible tell me what I am doing wrong here?
@JetLennit, with the little I know, and seen, you need to create a folder called "objects" in your scenario folder (along with the "images" and "sounds" folders) then you need to put a model in there (.3ds, .obj, etc.) Then you can reference it using setGeometry("fileName.3ds"). Take a look at GreenHouse's Alpha 3D test to see how he uses it (The Scenario won't work with current version of Greenfoot3D, but it still works with the Actor3D)
JetLennit JetLennit


I was just looking at the image above... I will try that
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