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qsapp.3 wrote ...



qsapp.3 qsapp.3



     * Constructor for objects of class MainWorld.
    public MainWorld()
        // Create a new world with 600x400 cells with a cell size of 1x1 pixels.
        super(600, 400, 1); 


     * Prepare the world for the start of the program. That is: create the initial
     * objects and add them to the world.
    private void prepare()
        Start start = new Start();
        addObject(start, 31, 70);
        Start start2 = new Start();
        addObject(start2, 33, 212);
        Start start3 = new Start();
        addObject(start3, 31, 348);
        start.setLocation(25, 67);
        start2.setLocation(25, 213);
        start3.setLocation(25, 347);
        Border border = new Border();
        addObject(border, 92, 83);
        Border border2 = new Border();
        addObject(border2, 82, 229);
        Border border3 = new Border();
        addObject(border3, 81, 344);
        start.setLocation(25, 64);
        border.setLocation(100, 64);
        border2.setLocation(100, 207);
        start3.setLocation(25, 348);
        border3.setLocation(100, 347);
        Finish finish = new Finish();
        addObject(finish, 559, 59);
        Finish finish2 = new Finish();
        addObject(finish2, 557, 207);
        Finish finish3 = new Finish();
        addObject(finish3, 559, 355);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(559, 59);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(592, 50);
        finish.setLocation(575, 70);
        finish2.setLocation(575, 208);
        finish3.setLocation(559, 355);
        finish3.setLocation(574, 344);
        finish3.setLocation(575, 334);
        Border border4 = new Border();
        addObject(border4, 475, 85);
        Border border5 = new Border();
        addObject(border5, 464, 175);
        Border border6 = new Border();
        addObject(border6, 480, 305);
        border4.setLocation(501, 72);
        border5.setLocation(501, 218);
        border6.setLocation(501, 358);
        MainPlayer mainplayer = new MainPlayer();
        addObject(mainplayer, 49, 212);
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


Have you got any questions?
steved steved


I think he is just spamming.
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