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Greenfoot back
jaydjay wrote ...


Animation of Pacman

jaydjay jaydjay


I need help with animating Pacman. It seems as though it is animating too fast, as in moving it's mouth too quickly ( it's like on drugs :D ) What should i do?
private void moving()
        if ( !treeFront() )
if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up") )
             Direction(UP) ;
        if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down") )
            Direction(DOWN) ;
        if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left") )
            Direction(LEFT) ;
        if ( Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right") )
            Direction(RIGHT) ;
void Movement()
        if ( !frontWall() && !ghostWallFront() )
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


Therefore it would be helpfull to know how your animate method looks like and how it works. Probably this method just changes the image from packman with open mouse to packman with a closed mouse. In this case you should try to use a global variable to count the acts till the next image change:
private int imageCounter = 0;

public void act() {
    if (imageCounter >= 10) {//If you use a greater value the animation will be slower and faster if you use a smaler value.
        imageCounter = 0;
jaydjay jaydjay


However, im trying to animate it like pacman. It should be animating every step it moves once. Any suggestions?
Gevater_Tod4711 wrote...
Therefore it would be helpfull to know how your animate method looks like and how it works. Probably this method just changes the image from packman with open mouse to packman with a closed mouse. In this case you should try to use a global variable to count the acts till the next image change:
private int imageCounter = 0;

public void act() {
    if (imageCounter >= 10) {//If you use a greater value the animation will be slower and faster if you use a smaler value.
        imageCounter = 0;
jaydjay jaydjay


davmac davmac


Use more images in your animation sequence to get a smoother animation. I.e. mouth closed, mouth only a tiny bit open, mouth slightly more open, mouth half open, etc.
jaydjay jaydjay


I can only use one image though
davmac davmac


That doesn't make sense. You need at least two images for animation - one with the mouth open and one with it shut. If you have only two images and you want to slow the animation, you have two choices: move less often, or do not animate every time you move. (You'll never get it to look like the original pacman this way; you need more images).
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