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Greenfoot back
manish1 wrote ...


can someone please help?

manish1 manish1


hello, im sorta new to greenfoot, and Im having trouble getting the API, im currently trying to program a tank that can track your movements
manish1 manish1


i dont have anything in my tank class right now............ im totally confused
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


What exactly do you want your tank to do?
manish1 manish1


ok, actually now i have somthing going: import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; /** * Write a description of class greenTank here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class greenTank extends platformMover { /** * Act - do whatever the greenTank wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { turnTowardTank(); int distance = (int)(Math.random()*5)+1; move(distance); } public void turnTowardTank() { World world = getWorld(); List<Tank> tank = world.getObjects(Tank.class); ListIterator<Tank> iter = tank.listIterator(); if(iter.hasNext()) { } Tank enemy =; int eX = enemy.getX(); int y = getY(); int x = getX(); int angle = getRotation(); if(x < eX) { if(angle == 180) { turn(); } else if(x > eX) { if(angle == 0) { turn(); } } } } public void turn() { GreenfootImage img = getImage(); img.mirrorVertically(); setImage(img); turn(180); } }
manish1 manish1


well, i just want my tank to go after my character and shoot at it every few seconds or so
manish1 manish1


when i compile the above code, the tank only moves forward not track my movements and come after me, it doesnt shoot either.
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


Your turnTowardsTank method doesn't tell the tank to move to your character. Try this method:
public void turnTowardsCharacter() {
    List<Character> characters = getWorld().getObjects(Character.class);
    if (characters != null && !characters.isEmpty()) {
        Character character = characters.get(0);
        turnTowards(character.getX(), character.getY());
If your character is named different you will have to change that. For your shooting problem you could use this method:
//you first need a global variable;
private long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

public void shootAtCharacter() {
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - time > 3000) {
        //this will make your tank shoot every 3 seconds. If you change the value in the if statement you can change the time.
        time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        getWorld().addObject(new Bullet(getRotation()), getX(), getY());

//to use this method you now need the class Bullet;
//If you already got a class similar to this you just have to change the constructor;
//you just need the constructor of this class;
//If you need help concerning the rest of the class just ask.

public Bullet(int rotation) {
manish1 manish1


Thanks for ur reply! so when i compile the turnTowardsTank method it gives me this error: Non- static method getX() cannot be referenced from a static context and it highlights the Tank.getX() part Any ideas on how to fix this?
davmac davmac


There's no Tank.getX() part in the code listed above? If you modified the code, post it!
manish1 manish1


no, he said character.getX() my character is not called character its Tank
Gevater_Tod4711 Gevater_Tod4711


You probably did this:
public void turnTowardsCharacter() {  
    List<Tank> tanks = getWorld().getObjects(Tank.class);  
    if (tanks != null && !tanks.isEmpty()) {  
        Tank tank = tanks.get(0);  
        turnTowards(Tank.getX(), Tank.getY());  
If so you just have to change the line turnTowards(... into
turnTowards(tank.getX(), tank.getY());
manish1 manish1


Oh my! It workks perfectly! Thank you so much! Ill be sure to give you credit in my code!
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