I wont be able to do the august challenge... do any of you mind if i do the September one?
Hey @FlyingRabidUnicornPig, are you up to doing august's?
Or anyone else?
Sorry, Taking Driver's ed, and really busy, I only want to be in charge of challenges that I can enter myself, and this month, i will not have that time.
So is the deadline going to be the sixth?
It says on the challenge topic that the deadline is September 7th for this one
Sorry, didn't see that... (it is really hard to browse greenfoot on an iphone 3g! :D)
I am going to do September's challenge and the new tag pattern is
Challenge, Challenge Number, Month, Year, Class
Start it today or tomorrow. That way we arent getting later and later into the months
I will post it later today
Oh yeah the winner of July's challenge is... 8bitcarrotjuice!
well done!
If anyone was wondering the winner of the August challenge was Gevater_Tod4711 with his "Gravity Chaos" Game! Good job!
October challenge up! http://www.greenfoot.org/topics/4540
are we still doing the challenges`?
Erdelf won the December challenge