in a collection? It's just a collection. You'll have an icon on your page that says it's a collection, and those who want to see what's inside can if they click on it. It won't display all the scenarios on your page, if that's what you're worried about.
I meant collections... i had a mistype
It is too bad you did not name them with the level character last (with 'c1a13b', 'c1a13i' and 'c1a13e'); for then, searching for 'c1a13' would bring up all challenge collections for the month in the search results.
You mean entering the competition?
I was working on the intermediate challenge (my Color Changing ground scenario) but I have to work on a huge final project for AP Computer Science, and I probably won't be able to work much on Color scenario until afterwards. :(
PS, I'm the one who's running June's Challenge, right?
1. Okay 2. Are you able to?
Hey @FlyingRabidUnicornPig, can you host the challenge 3 collection when the time comes?
Yep, I already have the difficulties planned out. :)
@FlyingRabidUnicornPig, when are you posting the challenge?
@Game/maniac, could you put up a voting for may's challenge?