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Scenarios tagged: water

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play Water Works
plays 21091 / votes 42

Water Works

by Builderboy2005, 2009/11/26

Fixed highlight bug

play MyGreenfootProj
plays 1776 / votes 0


by SSaulnier2020, 2018/8/23

play Hungry Fish
plays 2571 / votes 0

Hungry Fish

by Steelers84, 2017/11/27

Eat as much fish food as possible, avoid the sharks.

play Row Row Row a boat!
plays 275 / votes 0

Row Row Row a boat!

by sandhsf, 2025/1/3

Fishing on the sea!

play Lobster
plays 3402 / votes 0


by clare1994, 2014/1/26

Eat the fish, avoid the alligators

play SonarWay
plays 13477 / votes 23


by qnanqing, 2008/11/3

Just a little update, and open secret ^^, press = to show the blocks

play Greeps
plays 7173 / votes 4


by Jamit4me, 2011/5/14

An entry into the Greeps competition.

play Insanaquarium
plays 3704 / votes 0


by sevn, 2009/5/27

feed the fish!

play Fish eating game
plays 6618 / votes 3

Fish eating game

by tomw, 2013/12/11

This is a game were you are the alligator and you eat fish