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Scenarios tagged: vvsu

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play Flappy Bird
plays 3546 / votes 1

Flappy Bird

by chopper, 2022/5/21

Flappy Bird

play Binding of Isaac
plays 2140 / votes 0

Binding of Isaac

by Animark, 2019/6/29

Small attempt at recreation BOI

play Babus loves cotton
plays 2120 / votes 6

Babus loves cotton

by Kesha_bl, 2023/10/3

Babus really loves cotton, it' game about babus, babus game, game babus, babus babus, babus game

play Fish and Food
plays 1916 / votes 1

Fish and Food

by Baggi25, 2020/5/21

Eat food and become more stronger!

play StarEater
plays 1897 / votes 0


by EnDronist, 2019/6/10

Pseudo-3D Space Shooter Arcade

play Zombie shooter
plays 1815 / votes 0

Zombie shooter

by Jargy, 2019/6/29

Kill all zombie to survive

play ZombiGame
plays 1738 / votes 0


by DeviFox, 2019/6/15

The zombie apocalypse

play pvz mini
plays 1679 / votes 3

pvz mini

by Ni94tmar3, 2022/6/6

PVZ based game

play University
plays 1654 / votes 0


by Railfox, 2018/6/29

Try to pass student's exam.