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Scenarios tagged: transparency

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play Image Transparency Adder/Trimmer
plays 9026 / votes 4

Image Transparency Adder/Trimmer

by danpost, 2013/1/29

Change specified colors to transparent and removes excess transparent edges.

play Bubbles
plays 2644 / votes 0


by Redhand, 2016/4/13

Click the World to see colorful bubbles that fade away.

play BoucyBalls
plays 2178 / votes 0


by BearsFan529, 2016/4/18

Add colorful balls by clicking and watch them slowly fade away

play Colors!
plays 3864 / votes 1


by RM6442, 2011/11/14

A program that creates colors.

play KU Crabworld
plays 4353 / votes 2

KU Crabworld

by jbrucker, 2010/10/22

Crab and Lobster