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Scenarios tagged: search

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play aMAZE
plays 5763 / votes 16


by RcCookie, 2020/8/27

Randomly generated mazes that are actually possible!

play Snake AI
plays 22181 / votes 2

Snake AI

by RcCookie, 2020/9/24

Watch an AI beat the snake game!

play Mancala
plays 6155 / votes 0


by tkiesel, 2013/3/28

Mancala vs. Computer. "Kalah" rules set.

play Depth First Search Maze & Dijkstra's algorithm Example/Demonstration
plays 6959 / votes 1

Depth First Search Maze & Dijkstra's algorithm Example/Demonstration

by firedark60, 2012/4/25

A demonstration of 2 different algorithms in creating a maze and solving a maze. Source Code Included.

play Maze
plays 9639 / votes 0


by PiRocks, 2009/12/20

A maze game.

play The Search for Heaven
plays 3656 / votes 0

The Search for Heaven

by Guangzhe, 2009/11/2

Escape from the Dungeon