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Scenarios tagged: scroll

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play ScrollingWorld showcase
plays 4112 / votes 0

ScrollingWorld showcase

by BenMcBen, 2014/10/26

This scenario showcases a ScrollingWorld class I wrote. You're free to download the source code and check it out. It will let you make worlds that can scroll like in Mario.

play Smooth Scrolling classes
plays 4280 / votes 0

Smooth Scrolling classes

by KalleLarsson, 2014/8/14

A ready to use Scrolling functionality for your pleasue

play Nutty Chubbee
plays 2588 / votes 0

Nutty Chubbee

by yipsip, 2014/3/13

side scrolling

play Space Jelly Hunter
plays 2448 / votes 0

Space Jelly Hunter

by jimboweb, 2013/12/28

Hunt the Space Jellies

play JetPackGuy3
plays 3044 / votes 1


by jimboweb, 2013/12/26

Scrolling World

play Graphics
plays 4188 / votes 5


by bourne, 2013/5/5

Start of an image editor

play Sonic Runs
plays 3261 / votes 1

Sonic Runs

by isai_yagamy, 2013/7/3

the player runs and jumps over obstacles and enemies.

play Rebound
plays 4226 / votes 3


by Draymothisk, 2013/5/1

An incomplete game I made for the monthly contest

play Jump!
plays 3915 / votes 9


by PaulGuioArtitaRegalario, 2013/3/18