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jimboweb presents ...



Not a full game yet, just a proof of concept. Wanted to make a working scrolling world. I'll add the bad guys and score and stuff soon!

Left and right arrows to change direction, space to fire jets.

Check out my website below for a collection of video lessons for Greenfoot learners.

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Tags: physics demo with-source scroll

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There is so much you could do with this, the possibilities are endless. Like have a jet pack rack, but the catch is gotta throttle it just enough to keep the temp gauge just at the edge of the red line, go over too much and *BOOM* flames jutting out and the guy could flail his arms around screaming, "Oh GOD OH GOD WHY?! What a world, what a world..." as another massive fireball erupts finishing the player off; or you could have other flyers and you are shooting moonraker type lasers at each other or anything. I think it is a good start.


Thanks! Excellent ideas. I will try to work them in.


You can carry 2 or 3 different games with this starting point. Stuffing too much into a single game can kill it. Editing the ideas down can be a bit difficult at times.

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