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Scenarios tagged: program

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play Interpreter
plays 5273 / votes 8


by bourne, 2014/4/28

Write some code and run it

play Game Of Life - with a twist
plays 4694 / votes 3

Game Of Life - with a twist

by Game/maniac, 2013/10/14

Make your own rules!

play UserInfo Greeps
plays 10007 / votes 16

UserInfo Greeps

by bourne, 2013/5/9

Greeps competition on Greenfoot site with Highscores! Note: no solutions are made visible.

play helloworld
plays 5432 / votes 0


by m.capurso, 2011/7/29

This program is the hello world program for Greenfoot

play Programming Language
plays 10651 / votes 4

Programming Language

by PiRocks, 2009/4/6