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Scenarios tagged: fly

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play Spiders and Flys
plays 2748 / votes 0

Spiders and Flys

by ethanq455, 2013/1/11


play FrogEatFly
plays 2694 / votes 0


by GabrielZanlorenzi, 2012/11/21

Sapo come mosca

play Fly I
plays 3311 / votes 2

Fly I

by AmbarPal, 2012/10/26

Mouse Effects

play A flies life
plays 4800 / votes 5

A flies life

by Game/maniac, 2012/2/19

the life of a fly

play Platforms
plays 4315 / votes 0


by adamkjelstroem, 2012/8/2

The classic Platforms game!

play Mouse Follower
plays 10572 / votes 5

Mouse Follower

by SirFoxie, 2011/3/10

Actor steered by the mouse

play Circle Flying - unfinished
plays 2571 / votes 0

Circle Flying - unfinished

by Michionlion, 2012/4/10

Want to fly a circle?

play Fly in danger
plays 4201 / votes 3

Fly in danger

by BIG-red-BUTTON, 2011/8/24

My fhirst project!!!(im new here)

play Catch the Fly
plays 8208 / votes 2

Catch the Fly

by GameCode, 2011/7/1

Title says everything