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Scenarios tagged: danpost

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play Timed scrolling
plays 5521 / votes 3

Timed scrolling

by danpost, 2012/7/4

6 worlds with different tile counts to make the scrolling background, giving frames per second.

play Game of Life (Conway's)
plays 6527 / votes 5

Game of Life (Conway's)

by danpost, 2012/8/31

My sim of Conway's Game of Life with special features.

play Pendulum Demo
plays 4819 / votes 2

Pendulum Demo

by danpost, 2012/10/10

A demonstration of a pendulum in action.

play Space Flight Demo
plays 5180 / votes 4

Space Flight Demo

by danpost, 2012/10/24

Demo of controlling a ship traveling through '3D' space

play Flight Trajectories Demo
plays 5831 / votes 6

Flight Trajectories Demo

by danpost, 2012/11/4

Two way movement for a projectile in motion.

play Fractal Slideshow
plays 6280 / votes 1

Fractal Slideshow

by danpost, 2012/11/14

A slideshow of various fractal images.

play Scrolling SuperWorld
plays 27572 / votes 38

Scrolling SuperWorld

by danpost, 2012/11/20

A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use.

play Snake Tracks Demo
plays 4654 / votes 1

Snake Tracks Demo

by danpost, 2012/11/25

Another Snake Demo (three worlds with different movement capabilities) using snake 'tracks' to guide the segments.

play Radial Graphs
plays 3661 / votes 4

Radial Graphs

by danpost, 2012/12/6

Graphic representation of directions that can be taken by using 'setLocation' and 'move'.