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Scenarios tagged: colors

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play Pixel Painter
plays 1585 / votes 0

Pixel Painter

by DatHeroAndy, 2021/9/8

play ColorFlow
plays 3688 / votes 3


by danpost, 2014/1/21

Pretty flowing colors with mouse force.

play bubbles scenario, tissuepaper
plays 2580 / votes 0

bubbles scenario, tissuepaper

by tissuepaper, 2016/4/18

Watch colored bubbles bounce off the background walls.

play Bubbles
plays 2635 / votes 0


by Redhand, 2016/4/13

Click the World to see colorful bubbles that fade away.

play Bubbles
plays 2134 / votes 0


by Goalie42, 2016/4/18

Bubbles scenaro #17-23

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 2539 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by macandcheese, 2016/4/18

In this game one can click around on the screen and bubbles with all different sizes and transparencies appear.

play Breed Frogs (Inspired by Natural Selection by Mik)
plays 3183 / votes 0

Breed Frogs (Inspired by Natural Selection by Mik)

by trimil, 2014/6/28

In this game you breed frogs to make new ones.

play Drawing
plays 2950 / votes 1


by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, 2013/11/7

Draw in Greenfoot

play Mouse Force 2.0
plays 3618 / votes 2

Mouse Force 2.0

by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, 2013/9/29

"Use the Mouse-Force, Luke!"