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Scenarios tagged: apple

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play Dodging Game
plays 2481 / votes 0

Dodging Game

by mosi_edu, 2014/8/1

Game about dodging.

play FRUITISTApple
plays 2803 / votes 0


by suzhi, 2013/11/11

play Falling Apple Game
plays 4210 / votes 0

Falling Apple Game

by ginger49, 2013/6/12

Catch the falling apples

play friendlyCat
plays 6679 / votes 0


by cheesebill88, 2012/10/20

The cat is trying to eat pizza, addictive.

play Mission Apple
plays 3500 / votes 0

Mission Apple

by wongml, 2010/6/10

play Purple Piggy Game (Farm Frenzy)
plays 7497 / votes 0

Purple Piggy Game (Farm Frenzy)

by purplepiggy, 2009/5/19

A game about a purple side of ham with legs.