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Scenarios tagged: algorithm

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play Simulation for Sorting Algorithm
plays 12695 / votes 11

Simulation for Sorting Algorithm

by won0c, 2011/10/19

play Pac Man Word
plays 2397 / votes 0

Pac Man Word

by yopachara, 2015/6/14

play Algorithms
plays 11084 / votes 10


by trash1000, 2010/7/16

Implementing a few sorting algorithms in Greenfoot

play Depth First Search Maze & Dijkstra's algorithm Example/Demonstration
plays 6948 / votes 1

Depth First Search Maze & Dijkstra's algorithm Example/Demonstration

by firedark60, 2012/4/25

A demonstration of 2 different algorithms in creating a maze and solving a maze. Source Code Included.

play A* Waypoint Pathfining
plays 6510 / votes 1

A* Waypoint Pathfining

by theguywholikeslinux, 2011/11/27

Almost identical to my previous pathfining example only using waypints

play Simulation for FloodFill Algorithm
plays 4578 / votes 0

Simulation for FloodFill Algorithm

by won0c, 2011/10/19

play A* Pathfinding
plays 12316 / votes 2

A* Pathfinding

by theguywholikeslinux, 2011/9/8

A simple prototype for an A* algorithm I intend to use in other Greenfoot applictions. (unfinished)

play MergeSort
plays 4788 / votes 1


by steveputz, 2011/3/30

Demonstrates Merge Sort Algorithm