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kidi99 presents ...



The Sudoku is generated and can be solved by the Backtracking-algorithm.
You have to fill in numbers, so that "the same single integer may not appear twice in the same 9×9 playing board row or column or in any of the nine 3×3 subregions of the 9×9 playing board."(
The design of the numbers, the playing board, the red selection square an the messages were made by Gevater_Tod4711

You can controll the red square with the mouse or the arrow keys. Type in the number you want to insert. You can remove numbers with backspace.

3453 views / 12 in the last 7 days

Tags: game sudoku backtracking

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The problems created by this scenario are not checked for multiple solutions. True SuDoku puzzles will each have a unique solution; and those that do not, are not considered solvable.
It would be nice if you ask me before copying things from my scenarios. It's ok now but please ask next time.


Thank you very much for you´re instant feedback! I am aware that this sudoku can have more than one solution and I´ll try to fix it. But it´s still solvable, you just can´t call it uniquely solvable. ( However, I hope I can solve the problem.


@Gevater_Tod4711 I HAVE asked you ;) Look in the comments of your scenario: And in the instructions of my scenario: "The design of the numbers, the playing board, the red selection square an the messages were made by Gevater_Tod4711 "
That's asking? Well I thought a question should have a questionmark or something. But however. It's ok.


I don´t want to make you mad, I just want to clarify, that I asked you in your scenario: "May i use this scenario as a template for my seminar paper? :)" 2013/4/3 "Of course you can." And the text in this scenario is just a mention.
Oh sorry. I completely forgot about this. Just couldn't remember. Sorry.

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