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Micro Tank Battle (2 player)

This is the Alpha version. Movement, turret movement, and picking up the "flag" works right now. I need to add shooting and flag handling functionality. I also need to change out the music and sounds (they are from my zombie game).

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Tags: game music demo food sounds zombie turtle survivor trick fx

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Oct 27 17:41:18 UTC 2013 Fixed some sound glitches. Still stuck on the bullet and trying to figure out how to smooth out the turning.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Oct 27 19:10:21 UTC 2013 Added a mute button for music (which mutes but doesn't play again for some reason) and fine-tuned some code.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Oct 27 19:22:14 UTC 2013 Got bullets started. They don't move yet but I will figure that out. Getting there.


Tiny tank... Micro tank. Seems like tanks are shrinking.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Oct 27 21:39:55 UTC 2013 Bullets moving and stopping at walls, but I get an error. Slowly working through the problems.


I want to go with a "Micro Machines" kind of feel -- If you remember the game from the 90's. I'm still building the mechanics and then I will work on adding levels and then I will add extras.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Oct 28 05:52:09 UTC 2013 Things to fix: ♥ Bullets need to disappear when hitting something. ♥ Mute button works... but play again doesn't. ♥ Score Counter not working. ♥ Tanks "stick" to walls sometimes. If anybody has any input I would appreciate the help.


I have never heard of that game before but I am sure my dad would know about it.

2013/10/28 <-- The 1991 version. They are driving around a kitchen table between Cheerios and whatnot.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 06 00:25:52 UTC 2013 Got everything working but the scores and the levels/rooms. Getting there!

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