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Sniper Fi

How to Play: Move your mouse to aim, click to shoot.

Story: Your Political Party has recently ousted the Dictator Al Hulmdím, who ruled your country for 35 years. Today a mass of his supporters have taken to the streets and seem to b headed toward the newly constructed Parliament building. They represent only 5% of the country's population. The newly setup government fears this protest will become violent. Your democratic leaders can quell the rage of a large protest, but not when it is being run by extremists. Take out the extremist leaders before they reach Parliament. They will be wearing red to show their rank. Do not harm innocent civilians though! You just have to hold them off long enough enough for your new leaders to evacuate.

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Tags: mouse with-source c7o13b sniper,

This scenario is a member of: Challenge 7 || October

open in greenfoot

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@SPower, I stated that the list from getObjects would need be iterated through and only draw the actor if the list from 'getIntersectingObjects' contains that element. Therefore, you are only drawing those actors that are intersecting the magnifying glass. This process is needed so that the intersecting objects can be drawn in the proper order.


@SPower, would you mind if I uploaded my version of a magnifying glass?


@danpost sorry for my bad reading again, and of course I won't mind! The more programmers, the more fun!


OK, it is located at the following location:


Okay, thanks for all the awesome examples guys! I'm work a little on this now and let you know how it goes
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 15 20:08:15 UTC 2013 - Added a slight zoom, needs a lot of work. - Made Open Source - Thanked Danpost for code - Added more to screens, started making more levels but will release them soone enough - Re-drew scope to make it more even, but it still needs to be evened more. - Asked people to chill out because this is a WIP! - Had some lemonade
Make sure you put the zoom OVER the other actors. Do that with setPaintOrder().
By the way, looking pretty good so far


I noticed that you are using my XWorld XActor super-classes; but not using them to there full advantage. For details, start a discussion thread and name it something like "On 'Sniper Fi' by joeschmoe". Then indicate here that it was started (I will probably see it anyway; but, it might help for others to see it).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Oct 17 00:36:20 UTC 2013 changed paint order

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