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Comments for Collision Physics (Gravity) 1.2.3

Return to Collision Physics (Gravity) 1.2.3

A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Aug 09 15:02:54 UTC 2013 +Added friction to the ground *Fixed the glitch that caused Ball to spontaneously teleport to a corner of the scenario.


I almost forgot to mention: I've dded a toggle for gravity!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Aug 15 13:57:06 UTC 2013 +Added gravity directoin manipulation functionality +Added method in Room that allows for the addition and removal of more balls *Made Ball a subclass of Matter and made subclasses of Matter have values that are constantly updated by Room


Eventually, I will look into having all of the coding inside the Matter class, and all subclasses of matter will have their properties stored inside them to allow for easy customization. Also, I'm attempting to make sand and water too along with a separate class with all of the coding inside of it for people to use as their player inside whatever game they want. I basically want to make a sort of development kit for Greenfoot.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 28 18:24:06 UTC 2013 +Added Hit Box variables and method to allow for custom hit boxes (particularly the ones that don't rely on an image) +Added methods that return hit box half values to allow for hit box collision detection +Added pre-written method that is able to detect hit box collisions +Added speed altering variables and method to allow for custom speed altering values +Added speed limit coding, variables, and a method to allow for speed limits +Added the "onGround" variable to tell wether you are on the ground or not (it does change with the gravity also) *Fixed one stupid mistake that was causing almost all of the glitchyness of the collision detection (I did "a-=x" instead of "a=-x") -_-
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 28 18:32:22 UTC 2013 *Fixed glitch that caused objects to dissapear when gravity is either up or left and when idle
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Oct 02 17:41:57 UTC 2013 +Added MenuSelection actor that I programmed at my school so I can download it's code and use it in a different scenario. **NOTE** The password is "the password"!


P.S.: I don't have a flash drive, and my scenario I want to use the MenuSelection actor for is at my house.
using the password doesn't work on the site, for me.
It breaks before I can type anything


That is odd.... It seems to almost break when I press enter after typing the correct password, but then it loads, and lags horribly. However, it seems to be perfectly fine on my computer. Strange...
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Oct 03 03:07:00 UTC 2013 -removed useless coding


I fixed the problem. Apparently, I accidentally had a +getUserInfo()+ that I forgot to remove (it was part of something I was testing, but I decided not to try on this scenario), and it ended up redefining every time "act()" was called. So yeah... that's why it was working on my computer, but not on the website. It kept lagging out the scenario!
Nice, it works now. How come you have a password? Did you just want to try it out?


Yes. I just decided to write it on this scenario at my school, and then download it later. It has absolutely zero relevance to the actual physics engine.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 08 18:24:56 UTC 2013 +Added partical effects *Tweaked Box.class' images -Removed useless coding
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 08 18:34:05 UTC 2013 *Improved friction
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Oct 10 04:14:59 UTC 2013 *Fixed stupid mistake (used the "y" variable instead of the "x" variable)


I'm the 666th viewer. Is this bad?
Get out... NOW
They're going to be after you... It's for your own good.


What's the worst that could happen? *sees demon approaching behind me* O_O


Im going to look at how you did this...


why am i looking at physics on a Saturday... xD
Cause the bacon poisoned you...


Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu thats a lie, bacons dont poison D:
It does if you elephant it....
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jan 28 15:23:11 UTC 2014 +Replaced speedLimit with xSpeedLimit and ySpeedLimit


the hitbox of the balls is a rectangle? am i right?


Yes. I have no idea how a sphearical hitbox would work...


mhhmm would be a nice project i could sit at :)


No seriously, how would that work??


getting the distance between the sphere centers via pythagoras. and then get the angle of collision to get the protection vector i think, but just my theorem


Ooooh, I never thought of that. Cool! I'll probably leave you to do it though. This physics engine I made is mainly for non-realistic video games like Megaman or Zelda. I wouldn't really have a use to make something like that.


By that I mean a 360 degree hit detection engine.


get a realistic collision detection of balls even with bounce and maybe also with friction would be nice if i get such a thing working
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 20 18:03:38 UTC 2014 *collisions now detect for colored pixels of images instead of actor's themselves
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jul 23 04:06:16 UTC 2014 +Added frame skipping


That's cool.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Aug 29 20:41:56 UTC 2014 *Cut amount of detection lines down to 5 for each direction (greatly reducing lag).