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It's your swarm vs. an enemy swarm. press space to increase your swarm population, and move with the WASD keys. But, moving foward and pressing space will populate the enemy swarm.

3238 views / 27 in the last 7 days

Tags: swarms

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How should I win this game?


I don't know how to program an error message or how to stop everything, so until I find that out, the game won't tell you if you won or lost. Just try to keep you're swarm from disappearing.
to add an error message just make a Boolean variable to keep track of the player's swarm and if the swarm is gone have the class that has the Boolean variable in it add an object called game over. of corse doing this means u have to make a new actor subclass called game over. for the winning screen just do the opposite for the enemy swarm


I understand your point, but I'd rather have a pop-up message. Thank you for the info, though!


Interesting game, although it's sorta impossible to 'win' since whenever you move or add more people, the enemy does too, and the enemy kills you whenever you touch it. Also, nice user icon. Although it looks vaguely familiar....

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