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So I've decided for now to just publish the game with the source code open so people can look at it.
I was going to do a few more things to the game, but all in all I'm finding that I really want to move on to another project, so I've lost interest.
If anyone has questions about the code, please send me a message and I'll answer if I'm able.
Here are some core mechanics in this game that people may want to look at:
Character animation.
Basic setLocation() movement.
Constructing a world with tiles (Hero.setNewMap(), Hero.addTiles(), Hero.addColumn(), Hero.readMapFile()).
"Travelling" through multiple areas (look at determineMaps() in the Hero class).
Starting and stopping music (midi files).
Using lists to remove specific objects from the world.
Item creation (Hero.lookForItem()).
Referencing variables from other classes (Sword.class checks the hero's damage and distance variables)
Displaying character statistics on the world (using the Display class).
And some other stuff.
If you're like me and you're a complete noob that is looking for an example of a specific behavior to learn from, then it's nice to see have something handy to try to duplicate.
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