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comandodude101 presents ...


Maze/Obstacle Course Level 3

Welcome to level 3.

Up to move forward.
Down to move backward.
Right/Left keys to turn.

Get to the banana with as little deaths as possible.

Side Objective:
Collect all the cherrys.

Coming Soon:
Level 4!

I will realse level 4 when this game gets atleast 1 like and 50 plays.


3545 views / 8 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game

This scenario is a member of: My Obstacle Course Collection

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Remember to check out level 1 and 2! Leave bug reports in comments. This is possible. Trust me.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jan 03 15:11:53 UTC 2013 Minor map changes.
20 more plays until level 4!
Im making level 4!
There will be a surprise!


I have a little suggestion: It will be good if the lobster would go in the direction you turned. In your game are only 8 directions possible which makes it hard to play.
Well it is supposed to be difficult but I will think about making 16 or so directions. By to way Level 4 is out!


You could make endless directions. The animal class in the Little Crab game from the book has a "move" method with makes the actor move in the direction which it faces right now.
Oh okay I will add that in level 5

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