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First choose a team by pressing on the CT or T buttons.
If you are a Counter-Terrorist (CT), your enemies will be red (Terrorists)
and your teammates will be blue (Counter-Terrorist).
Likewise, if you are a Terrorist (T), your enemies will be blue and your teammates red.
To kill an enemy, you must click on it 3 times.
If an enemy leaves the screen without you killing it, you can
report his presence to your teammates by first pressing "c" then "2" on your keyboard.
This is the "Enemy Spotted" command on CS.
Your score appears at the top of the screen.
The circle that shrinks around the Enemy represents how long it takes before he becomes
aware of you. When it touches him, he starts shooting you.
You gain points for:
-killing terrorists
-reporting your failure to kill them
You lose points for:
-killing teammates
You can make the game easier or more difficult by adjusting the speed at which the scenario is run.
Programmer - Adrian Wan
6580 views / 26 in the last 7 days
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This scenario is a member of: CIS-May-2009
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