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I have been learning from the book and decided to do my own version of the little-crab scenario from the book. I am adding my own touches to the scenario and want help in accomplishing this.

3186 views / 8 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source car practice scenario with source book cop raod-rage

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Need a little help with the Animation of the cop car. When you hit "act" you can see that the lights alternate, but when you hit play it goes too fast for the player to actually see the lights flashing. I want to keep the same speed, but I want to be able to have the lights alternate to where you can actually see them.


this should help:


A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Oct 15 00:14:03 UTC 2012 fixed the cop car lights so that they look like they are flashing.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Dec 05 23:27:07 UTC 2012 12/5/2012 Version 1.1 *Controls* -Changed the controls W = Throttle A = Turn left D = Turn right Space = deploy bomb *World* -Changed the world to 700x700 so that it is a bit larger. *gameplay* -Pedestrians and cops will respawn after being destroyed. -Added the ability to deploy a single bomb to blow up the cop car(s). -Added a second cop for extra difficulty. -Added a score counter. -Added instructions on how to play the game. -Made a tweak on the cop cars so that their movement is more fluid. *Things to come and ideas* -Looking to add some kind of pedestrian animation. -Give points when Cop is destroyed by player bomb. -More obstacles. -An extra levels. -Different difficulties. -Boosters and/or abilities. -Create an explosion animations -Add indicator on how many bombs the car currently has. *Suggestions are most welcome!*
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Dec 08 04:57:08 UTC 2012 12/7/2012 Version 1.2 When the Cop car is destroyed by the player's bomb will now add ten points to the score.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Dec 08 19:16:45 UTC 2012 Left out an instruction on deploying a bomb.

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