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Greenfoot back

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nooby123 presents ...



This isn't much, I just thought of this and decided to make it.

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8 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: demo with-source

open in greenfoot

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I like it :)


What would be cool is if the snow landed on other snow it takes longer to melt and the more snow that has landed make the background slowly brighten to show some scenery.


The way the snowflakes move in different directions at different speeds isn't realistic. However, it is very beautiful.


I like the idea of building up snow at the bottom of the page!


I'll take it into mind :)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Sep 30 01:52:13 UTC 2012 Tried to make it glow at the bottom. Don't know if I did it right :/


I noticed that some snow at the bottom would have a Greenfoot default image, is that a bug? After all I love it


public class Light extends Actor implements Glower { private static GreenfootImage Glow = new GreenfootImage("light.png"); int d; /** * the static block woud be called before any instance has been inited of this class */ static{ Glow.setTransparency(0); } public GreenfootImage getGlowImage(){return Glow;} /** * if U don't give it a iamge at the beginning * it will get a Greenfoot defalt iamge * so put the image setting here, not in the act */ public Light() { setImage(Glow); } public void act() { ++d; if(d > 50) getWorld().removeObject(this); } } Try a change in the Light class like above, and the problem will be fitted

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