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Trigonometric basic exercises for 0,30,45,60,90, and further to the second, third, and fourth quadrant angle, and then advanced to the radian amount, the angle of 360 degrees away from the same sector.

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Tags: game math trigonometric

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Sep 20 12:39:27 UTC 2012 更新內碼
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Sep 20 23:31:01 UTC 2012 fix grade3 level11 fix:任務失敗,只要還有生命值,就可以續玩,分數乃續算。 分數可以有負的。
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Sep 23 08:32:51 UTC 2012 關閉跳關功能
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 02 15:49:02 UTC 2012 各級改以亂數出題
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Oct 03 15:29:24 UTC 2012 第3級以後 度度量&徑度量混合 正角度&負角度混合 亂數選題,亂數選角 跳關秘功能取消 暫時不再改版 9百多關,祝你好運
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Oct 03 23:34:55 UTC 2012 大螃蟹生命週期限制 1/5 * 換成紅色顯示


maybe you should write in english
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Oct 04 13:23:22 UTC 2012 * 大螃蟹生命週期限制1/5 * 換成紅色顯示
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Oct 22 09:34:58 UTC 2012 1.Big Crab時限縮短 2.各級亂數選題


Since this is an International website, could you please write in English also? 既然这是一个国际性的网站,请同时使用英语好吗?

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