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limefortheworld presents ...


Prototype for Future game

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Click on the Orange engineer to select him. Press the left button while it is selected to move it.
b for barracks (select it and press s for soldiers!)
d for resource depot (it spawns a worker. command it to move to the blue mines to take resources.)
t for tower (defense against evil babies)
u for super tower
h for housing (does nothing)

-added new type of evil baby that engages towers.
-engineers now use resources to build buildings, and can resupply near a resourcedepot by pressing "r".
-super evil babies' weapon range increased from 150 pixels to 200 pixels.
-both types of tower hit points decreased: 600 from 1500, 800 from 2000.
-fixed the counter bug
-theodore bear projectiles now inflict damage to towers
-super evil babies fire more often
-Used Custom graphics (although there is white area)

4803 views / 16 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse demo with-source

open in greenfoot
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Zerg! you forget the fantastic command of setPaintOrder, which allows you to set The order in which Greenfoot paints objects onto the world, thus solving your entire conundrum.
Wait, Ohhhhhhhh, i see now what isometric actually means. :)


Paint order doesn't work for isometrics: you want to have some objects in front of a wall, and some behind, and then you want to have the objects switch layers later. Right now, the only way to do this is by re-adding EVERY object in the world over again in a different order. I am still looking into the world's code for class layering in hopes of maybe finding out how it works.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 25 01:52:40 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 25 01:58:11 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 25 02:03:22 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 26 01:02:13 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 26 01:23:02 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 26 01:23:58 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Feb 27 01:27:08 UTC 2009

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