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childplay presents ...


Pokemon Emerald Tower

This is my remake of Pokemon. It only includes a battle zone right now. Adding wild pokemon is next on my list.
arrow keys to move around
space for 'a', or confirm in must cases
shift for 'b', or cancle in most cases
enter for 'start', brings up the start screen, it is buggy atm, dont use it if you can

3800 views / 7 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game demo

This scenario is a member of: ICS3U P2 Games

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 14 04:08:28 UTC 2012 Forgot to disable some things i use to test


Doesn't really work. I can move around the party selection screen but it stops working when I press space to select one.


Hello if you could please give us the option to open in green foot that would be great, as it would allow us to first of all try the scenario, and im planing on actually making a pokemon game within greenfoot and depending o how this games combat system works if its fine with you id liketo use the coding.


Hi, can you give us the option to open in Greenfoot? I'd like to see how you created the toggling through options in your start screen.

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