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T.Abbasi presents ...


Zombie Rush 1.0.0

########################Zombie Rush 1.0##############################
###################Programmed by Taymor Abbasi########################

Special Credits to:
Mr J. Cohen - Scoreboard Code.
"Danpost" - Bar Code.

Zombie Rush is a Survival Game that requirs you to get the most points by killing as much zombies as you can before you die. While it my seem simple, hoards and hoards of zombies are waiting to feast on the metallic flesh of the ball.

WASD to Move
Mouse to Aim
Left Click to Shoot
R to Reload (infinite ammo)

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Tags: mouse game with-source ics3u

This scenario is a member of: ICS3U P2 Games

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cool game


This game is so good! Well done!

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