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LegoRemix presents ...


2D Smash

A Smash Bros Beta Game
I whipped up for my AP Computer Science

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Tags: game with-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Dec 04 02:38:14 UTC 2008
wow, this is a great engine you have here. I see a potential for a terrific game. you have sliding and all the intermittent animation steps and everything. The oly think i might suggest is to make the world smaller, since you don't seem to be using much of it anyway.


The controls feel a bit cramped. For a, b, jump and shield, P1 could have f, g, t, r, and P2 could have ; ' [ and p. and you could just use space as a pause.


Hi This may be a little late to say but I liked what you did and began updating it a little for a private version to have more worlds, options, characters and etc. If possible I'd really like to talk to you about taking it even further with your permission.

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