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Eatserbeam presents ...


Token Hero

This game is made in greenfoot using the Jlayer mp3 library from Jlayer

after 1 month of develop nights i finally got this running
now it works as an applet! enjoy greenfoot gallery!

* all images, graphics GUI, buttons, were made by me using Phtoshop cs2, FlashMX 2004 & paint xD i dindt stole anything exept the background guitarrist of guitar hero hahahaha :D but it looks cool i think :P
*Full mp3 music compatibility
*own song file format
*Amazing GUI and nice Graphics
*you can easily expand it by making new songs
* the 2 song demo for the contest (this one) its only 1.3mb
* the menu is easyly controled
* very nice game :D
*real guitar sound FX
*points! <-- yeah points and percentage :D

8377 views / 23 in the last 7 days

4 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: greenfoot game simulation demo with-source codepoint-08-under-16 guitar hero token edurarte note fret keyboard mp3 jlayer

open in greenfoot

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the ending screen shows your final points and notes hit


LOL, is cool man nice guitar hero clone, btw the menu is really well made hahaha the sound of the guitar sounds like the original game hahaha nice...
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Dec 07 20:20:46 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Dec 07 21:08:00 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Dec 07 21:33:03 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Dec 07 22:06:04 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Dec 07 22:45:41 UTC 2008


ok, now it works (play mp3) as an applet however, theres a minor bug in applet gameplay i think i havent fixed yet, added a score board that show your notes hit percentage and your average score, the link of downloading remains the same but now you can download it from greenfoot gallery itself by following this link the jar file size has been reduced and now its only 1.6 mb


ok, the reason it didnt worked at first was because greenfoot doesnt have help support or any related stuff on how to manage external libraries, in the usrlib theres a small txt file that especifies that by putting jars or zips of libraries, greenfoot will add em, however, greenfoot doesnt pack em with the jar file so thats the problem i´m still trying to fix.... please judges or greenfoot staff rewrite that txt file saying this so it wont happen to anyone again..


it doesn't seem to work

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