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I like this, didn't have a chance to play it for long but it looks good!


Wow - this looks good! I had two situations when it crashed (once when I went into the tutorial-basics section, and when I first entered fighting mode), but both times I could just click Run again and it continued. Worked very well otherwise. Lots of work has obviously gone into this already - great stuff!


Oh, one more thing: When I'm on my laptop, the world does not fit on my screen. Making the world a little less high would work better for laptops and other people with smaller screens.


+1 on delmar's point above, my laptop is also too small!


my screen is to SHORT. Yes that's right, the scenario is too tall. ;)


by the way. AWESOME game.


Thank you! I'm not sure exactly why it errors (at random?) in battle mode, but I'll look into it. Btw, how tall are your screens? Because right now the game has a resolution of 1024x800. I was thinking about lowering it to 600? Or would that not be enough? Thanks again for your help.


Not bad at all... reminds me alot of those classic games of this type. Im afraid my guy never recharged the special attack, or else I couldn't find how to use it again. This looks like it took a lot of work, and I must say I am impressed, but as a game you will need far more gameplay time hehe. For those of you with Firefox, press F11 and it drops out the top bar, allowing you to see the whole window (at least on 1280x1024 screen resolution.)


Looks good, but only the 2nd tutorial worked and after clicking the intro texts away, nothing happens at the first graphic. Nothing I do with the keyboard or mouse causes a change. The 2 symbols are rotating. Is there a problem with the current version? Hope you continue with it.


Hm have you tried moving around with the up, down, right, left keys? Because I used those as movement keys. I'll probably allow movement thru keys, w,a,s,d also later in later updates though. @RHINO_Mk.II, I think the special attack recharges whenever you hit an enemy. It should be working correctly as far as i can tell. I'll check into it.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Nov 27 08:42:00 UTC 2008


Well, I've fixed those errors you guys mentioned. I also changed the height of the window to 600 pixels. Before I continue on with the game, I want to make sure that the current screen is acceptable to most people.


The new size of the window is much better! I haven't quite figured out how to use the special - I've only manage to use it once. Most of the time it doesn't appear on the list of actions, even if I have full MP.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Nov 29 04:53:04 UTC 2008


I've fixed a few bugs, and I also added more gameplay to the game. It took a while to program in a second character, especially to reprogram the battle system, but it works pretty smoothly now. I'll program the next part of the story real soon, hopefully by tomorrow.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Nov 29 05:07:02 UTC 2008


Heh heh, I managed to break it! When I was in the battle mode, I had my second character attack an enemy that was still being attacked by my first one. The first one killed the enemy, and then it erred out, probably because the target no longer existed :P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 30 20:23:13 UTC 2008


thanks lol! I fixed those bug, and I added several new things, and i'll fix more very soon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 30 20:33:50 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Dec 01 00:08:41 UTC 2008


I hope my submissions made it in time.. Slow internet really hurts at times where you need to upload in less than 10 minutes.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Dec 02 06:53:23 UTC 2008
Dude, congratulations man.


Thanks! I was very surprised and caught unaware of this XD.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Dec 13 21:58:07 UTC 2008


It's nice to see well-ripped graphics for a change. (no, seriously, I'm not being sarcastic - ripped graphics ruined laxius power for me). It would be nice to be able to see your recharge time in battle, like in the later FF's (7, 8).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 18 03:42:59 UTC 2009


Awesome! Maybe it would be cool to have different attacks...