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ThatOneGuy presents ...


Haunted Night

Try to survive as long as many nights as possible. The game takes place within a haunted mansion that the protagonist cannot escape. There is a monster within the mansion that hunts for the player during the night and may only search one room each night until it will have to wait until the next night. Really it's a game that depends how lucky you are. :D

Eventually I will add to it, but this was just a basic idea i dreamed about just a few days ago. Possibly the next update will include some sort of horror ambiance. Enjoy.

The player clicks on any of the rooms to select it. When the player confirms to stay in a room, he/she cannot change their mind and must wait through the night. If the screen clears up, then the player has survived the night. The player must try to survive as many nights as possible.

Make sure you turn up your volume to make it more fun. :D

4576 views / 17 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game

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Hehehe... Cool, but I think it would be better if there was a twist of some sort to it. Could you release the source? :D


Nice. Good sound effects and feel to the game. But I agree with darkmist255, there's some great potential here to add maybe survival during the night based on what room you choose.


Yeah, I agree. I was eventually going to add to it, and allow the player to do more. I am currently working on another project however, but I always welcome more ideas to add to this game.

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