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LukeTheNuke presents ...


Pirates & Cowboys

I made this game for my Game Design final in May. This code is probably not that great, but I see no harm in publishing it :)

1154 views / 23 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game shooter demo pirates cowboys

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How can I see the source code of the game because i need some inspiration of the game for my presentation.


I don't think it's possible without being given the files directly. Sorry for this extremely late reply.


I would like to let anyone know that is possibly interested in this game that my friend is currently working on a souls-like game themed around pirates (not any cowboys unfortunately) for our class. I'll try and let yall know if he ever publishes it, but I'm not sure if Greenfoot lets you link to outside sources so I might be unable to. :(

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