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This physics sand box allows you to move and play with all of its componets. To move the charactor use the arrow keys to move, jump with space, and run with x. With the mouse, most objects can be picked up by holding down on them and moving them, while held some of their properties can be toggeled like gravity, bouncyness, and collision with g b and i respectfully. The top pause button completely pauses the game and the bottom one keeps everything but pauses their movement. As well, by opening the code many of the variables can be changed for different effects, including fast custom animations, changed values for many gravity and friction features and much much more. The comments within descirbe most of the ways to use it and some of the more recent and technical features. For those who desire little modification changing the varaibles with C in their comment and applying the method gravityandjump or gravitynomove to a subclass applys the effects.
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